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A Day In The Life of Tamara Archibald
In this feature series, we ask professionals of the music industry what a day in their life looks like along with some insights on their job, the ups and downs, and more.
In this issue, we receive Tamara Archibald, Head of Marketing & Events at Thick as Thieves, the Melbourne-based touring and events company that brings the best underground DJs to Australia.
- Can you share some insights into your role (your job description in your own words)? What are the key responsibilities that keep you on your toes?
I wear a few hats, however my role on paper is Head of Marketing & Events. I look after all the Marketing campaigns for all our events and charity run, Quick as Thieves with key responsibilities including briefing designers / videographers on art design, launching events, ticketing builds, event budgets, liaising with agents, managers and promoters, influencer management, creating content for all Social Media platforms, newsletters and running all our ad campaigns. Put simply, I promote and sell tickets to dance music parties.
With events, I look after booking staff, artist liaison, and then on the day I run around like a headless chook making sure everything is running smoothly.
- What's a typical day like for you? Take us through your routine and any unexpected twists that might come your way. (a brief daily journal)
I work 5 days a week, 4 from home, and 1 in the office (then of course on major event days). I have my 8 month old son at the start of the day, so our morning involves coffee walk to Rocco’s Deli as soon as we get up, this is a non-negotiable for me, then we play, eat, he naps, I do some emails, we try to fit in a gym session a few times a week and then I start my work day early afternoon and work til late.
My work day starts with replying to and sending emails in relation to any events coming up. After emails I start working on content for either current or upcoming marketing campaigns, check ticket sales and work on any ad campaigns running, my work day is generally dependant on whether we have an event launch or an event coming up, one minute I could be at Revolver interviewing a touring DJ for content, the next I’m running around trying to find a DJ Mexican Glass Bottle Coke for his rider, but it keeps things interesting!
Unexpected twists come my way I think every day, whether it’s art not being approved, last minute requests, this industry is so quick moving, you try to be organised as much as you can, but there’s always twists and turns!
- Every profession comes with its ups and downs. What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your job, and how do you navigate through them?
Most recently it would be trying to balance work, personal life, and a new baby and not burn out.
This new stage of my life is all a learning curve, so taking each day as it comes, as things are constantly changing within our lives adapting to our professional and personal lives with this new little person involved.
I have an incredible boss who is very flexible with my working arrangements, so that makes things a lot less stressful.

- Reflecting on your achievements, what's a recent one that you're particularly proud of?
Sticking on that theme of motherhood, I would say since I’ve been back to work full time since November, the first major event I looked after from start to finish was MK at Riviera Beach Club, and it was a great success, and it felt really damn good. I had about 1 year off with maternity leave and during that time you’re just in this complete baby bubble, that coming back to work feels at first a little overwhelming, but I‘m super proud of myself for making the transition back in, and I feel I’ve got my pre-baby mojo back.
- What are the highlights of working in the music industry for you? Any moments or experiences that stand out as truly rewarding?
Seeing everything come together on event days is pretty awesome, as most people know there’s so much work that goes on behind the scenes to throw these events, and of course the worries that come with the current ticketing landscape, it can all be pretty stressful, so to see an event you worked really hard on, sell well and receive great feedback, that’s what it’s all about!
I also get the warm & fuzzies helping out people where I can with DJ sets, whether it be their first set in a club, dream venue or a set at a major event, I love it.
Taking a step back and looking at my career as a whole, I’m proud to have gotten to where I am and I honestly couldn’t think of doing anything else.

- Conversely, what are some of the low points or difficult aspects of your job? How do you stay motivated during tougher times?
It’s really easy to burn out in this industry whether it feels like a physical burnout, or a creative burnout. It can sometimes feel like a 24/7 job. Since my work schedule has changed a bit now and I don’t work say 9-5, I have time in the morning to start my day with a walk and a work out instead of say jumping straight in the car for a 45 minute commute then doing the same on the way home.
Then prioritizing rest on weekends, I’m happy not to be on the go all the time, if my body and head calls for a TV weekend, then I’m more than happy to do that. Since becoming a parent I’ve learnt, you don’t need to say yes to everything.
- For those aspiring to enter the music industry, what words of wisdom or advice would you offer them based on your experiences and insights?
Attend events from the organization you want to work for, and chat to everyone involved that you can. I partied for a lot of my 20’s and spent countless mornings at Revolver, and if it wasn’t for talking to people involved and showing an interest for the industry I wouldn’t be where I am now.
Also, seek work at events, whether you’re doing door, working the bars, volunteering, whatever you can do, even just reach out to the company you want to work with and see if any positions are available. Our staff team and agency at Thick as Thieves was built on good connections, so introduce yourself and get talking!